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Exam Pattern Of Indian Navy Dockyard Apprentices Examination

Exam Pattern of Indian Navy Dockyard Apprentices Examination regarding information is discussed here in this page. The selection will be based on the two stages. One is the written exam part and the second is the interview stage. Candidates must appear two written papers given under.

Written Exam

  1. Mathematics for 100 Marks (max) - 2.5 Hrs
  2. General Knowledge and General Science for 100 marks - 2 Hrs


Based on the performance of the candidates in the written examination, candidates will be called for interview at Delhi, Mumbai, Calcutta and Bangalore. Based on the performance of the candidates in the final interview, the selected candidates will be sent to Naval Dockyard School, Mumbai for training. Period of training is three years for most trades.

Syllabus Of Indian Navy Dockyard Apprentices Examination